2024 Green Card Lottery Photo requirements

Applicants that apply for the DV-2026 Green Card Lottery are required to submit a passport like photo of themselves and any co-applicant on their application. It is extremely important to submit a photo that meets the requirements since most of the applicants that are disqualified each year are disqualified due to the applicant not following the strict photo requirements.

  • The image must contain the full face, neck, and shoulders of the entrant in frontal view with a neutral, non-smiling expression and with eyes open and directed at the camera.
  • All submitted DV-Lottery photos must be color photos
  • The photo must be 600 pixel (height) times 600 pixel (width) in size
  • Applicants are not allowed to wear glasses.
  • Applicants are not allowed to wear any hats or head gear unless these are worn due to religion.
  • All DV-Lottery photos must be taken against a light background and no shades are allowed on the photo
  • The image must not include other objects or additional people.
  • The image must be from a recent (within 6 months) photo of the applicant.
  • Subject must directly face the camera.
  • The head must not be tilted up, down, or to the side.
  • Photos of military, airline, or other personnel wearing hats are not acceptable.
  • Photos containing tribal or other headgear not specifically religious in nature are unacceptable.

Applicants can use a phone or an electronic camera to take their photo and do not have to get the photo taken professionally, even though we do recommend getting the photos taken professionally to get the correct proportions.

Diversity Visa Lottery Photo Requirements

Apply DV-2026

Application Login


DV-Lottery Test

Statue of Liberty

Please take the green card eligibility test and pass it, to ensure you qualify for this years Diversity Visa Lottery. If you qualify for this years Diversity Visa Lottery, register and enter the DV2026 Diversity Visa Lottery today.

Diversity Visa Lottery Registration